Truck History Reports

RigDig BI protects you from purchase mistakes and helps you make smart buys.

RigDig BI Truck History Reports are powered by the most trusted information sources available.

rigdigbi truck history report open on laptop

Every truck has a story to tell.  It might have been in a flood.  It could have a junk title, a history of poor maintenance, or even been involved in an over-turn accident.  Protect yourself with a RigDig truck history report.

What is included in a RigDig BI Truck History Report?

Junk or Salvage Vehicle

Recorded Inspection Violations

Carriers with CSA Vehicle Maintenance Alert

Total Loss Insurance Claims

Recorded Out-of-Service Inspection Violations

Cargo Types Hauled

DMV Title or Odometer Brands


Vehicle Specifications

Recorded Accidents

Carriers with Non-Satisfactory Saftey Rating

UCC Liens
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