Comprehensive data fuels business growth.
How RigDig BI works to...
Identify and Qualify Prospects..
1. Start with the SEARCH tool.
The Search tool also works with...
ProspectMobile: RigDig BI's Smartphone App
2. Use the PROSPECT PROFILE for sales insights.
The Prospect Profile answers all your questions.
What equipment do they operate?
The Equipment tab reveals the prospect’s equipment mix and brand preferences, including make, model, year and engine type.
Are they more likely to purchase used or new equipment?
Who should I contact?
Where do they operate?
The Activity tab provides a state breakdown map of where the trucking fleet has been active the previous 24 months. In addition to the travel locations the activity tab allows you to view any safety, inspection violations, and accidents.
PRM: Prospect Relationship Manager
Optimize the Sales Process
1. Use the built-in PROSPECT RELATIONSHIP MANAGER (PRM) to manage conversations.
Track conversations, and add notes to prospects.
Rate prospects and assign tasks for follow-up.
2. Use SALES TERRITORY FILTERS to assign trucking leads to reps and measure progress.
The Prospect Profile answers all your questions.
What equipment do they operate?
The Equipment tab reveals the prospect’s equipment mix and brand preferences, including make, model, year and engine type.
Are they more likely to purchase used or new equipment?
Who should I contact?
Where do they operate?
The Activity tab provides a state breakdown map of where the trucking fleet has been active the previous 24 months. In addition to the travel locations the activity tab allows you to view any safety, inspection violations, and accidents.
3. Use PROSPECT MOBILE to plan your sales visits more effectively.
Understand Your Market
1. Know your MARKET SHARE.
Knowing how much of the market you’ve captured lets you set smart goals for growth.
Know where you stand.
See how your brand stacks up by equipment type, company type, and region.
Know the opportunities.
Identify opportunities for market share growth in fragmented markets or new equipment categories.
Know where to expand.
Plan your dealer locations based on market share growth opportunities.
2. Get the real HISTORY OF TRUCKS before you trade them.
Pull or search for truck history reports using the VIN.
3. Integrate intelligence into your CRM and marketing automation tools with PROFESSIONAL SERVICES.
Access key RigDig data in your CRM