Truck Dealers
Gain Competitive Advantage
Fusable’s RigDig BI delivers fleet customer specifics: names, addresses, make, model and serial number of financed equipment. But that’s not all. RigDig BI also gives you insights by uncovering regional hot spots and hidden opportunities in your AOR.

Focus on active trucking fleets for the exact trucks you sell, both new and used trucks. Arm your sales team with Prospect Profiles so they know everything they need to about a fleet prospect before they contact them.
Before you visit a truck sales target, know their violations, number of units, miles driven, vehicle age, and brand preferences.
Set targets for sales reps’ AOR’s based on actual market data.
Give your sales team and advantage by letting them know which trucking prospects are visiting your website.
Plan your sales growth by identifying regional hot spots, growth trends and emerging markets
Manage tasks and contacts through the Prospect Relationship Manager (PRM).


Drive awareness through direct mail, email, and digital advertising campaigns that are matched to the fleet prospects you want to target.

Parts & Maintenance
Use historical truck activity and fleet data to anticipate wear-part replacement needs based on violations and miles driven.
Anticipate the part needs of your AOR by understanding the equipment used by fleet prospects near you.

Dealer Growth
Point dealers to qualified sales and service prospects
Know what competing manufacturers are selling in your dealer's AOR